The patient had a previous saline breast augmentation after which her inframammary folds were displaced inferiorly and her intermammary space decreased- leading to a near synmastia. Because of the fold displacement, her nipples rode high on her breast mound and she complained of her nipples and areolas showing when she wore a bathing suit.
She had her saline implants removed and her synmastia and inframammary folds repaired with capsulorrhaphy with three layers of permanent stitches. Her implants were then replaced with smooth, round, silicone, 550cc high profile implants. As can be seen in the photos, her intermammary space has been restored (repairing her synmastia), and her inframammary folds have been reestablished (restoring her normal breast ptosis). The aesthetic appearance of her breasts has been drastically improved and she is ecstatic with her results.